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Canola meal a great match for high-forage diets

Whether due to a lack of feed availability, a shortage of available land, or high grain prices, more producers are looking at feeding high-forage diets and more byproduct ingredients. Those producers want to be able to maintain existing milk production levels with this changing diet, and new research shows that canola meal can help them do just that.

With new silage being feed soon this winter, now is the right time to consider a ration formulation change. It can be more challenging to obtain adequate protein from a high-forage diet than the standard ration, and canola’s high protein levels make it an excellent fit for these high-forage diets.

Two studies were recently completed that looked at whether milk production levels could be maintained with high-forage diets. South Dakota State University (SDSU) completed a feeding study evaluating milk production with high-forage diets and cows fed 11% canola meal. At the Dairy Forage Research Center in Wisconsin, researchers evaluated canola meal’s effectiveness as a protein source supporting milk production versus soybean meal when the ratio of alfalfa to corn silage was altered.

Detailed study parameters and results for both studies were outlined in a recent article featured in Progressive Dairyman.

Both studies showed promising results for canola meal. The SDSU team demonstrated that an increasing forage-to-concentrate ratio, with canola meal as the primary protein source, resulted in improved feed efficiency without a loss in milk. At the Dairy Forage Research Center the study concluded that, regardless of the alfalfa to corn silage ratio, canola meal was more effective at supporting milk production than soybean meal.

Results from these two studies indicate that including canola meal in high-forage rations is a great match for maintain high levels of production with this relatively new diet.

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Canola Meal Feeding Guide 2024 - Canolamazing
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